
Instituto Escuela


We train our students in an integral way, providing them with tools for the development of their self-esteem with a positive vision of themselves and their environment, always encouraging them to search for excellence, so that they are able to face any obstacle with a spirit of improvement and collaboration, preparing them to assume the role of leaders throughout their lives.


The Instituto Escuela is a privately managed educational unit that since 1940 has been offering for more than 82 years of uninterrupted work, study opportunities in Initial Education, Primary Education and General Secondary Education.


To be a recognized and consolidated institution, for the formation of leading, integral citizens, of solid ethical and moral principles, talent enhancer in an environment of respect and excellence. Important personalities of national and international life have graduated from our classrooms, in different or professional areas.


Formamos a nuestros estudiantes de manera integral, aportándoles herramientas para el desarrollo de su autoestima con una visión positiva de ellos mismos y de su entorno, incentivándolos siempre a la búsqueda de la excelencia, para que sean capaces de enfrentar cualquier obstáculo con espíritu de superación y colaboración, preparándolos para asumir el rol de líderes a lo largo de su vida.



The Instituto Escuela strives to train our students, so that throughout their school journey they achieve academic, cultural and sports balance; have command of a second language, consolidate skills for the management of information and communication technologies, develop a culture of social and ecological responsibility, all framed in an education in values ​​that allows them to be successful professionals and people of integrity, with citizen conscience.


The School Institute was born in1940in the La Florida Urbanization. Founded by Professor Bartolomé Oliver, Doctor of Philosophy and Letters.
In1946The Director is assumed by Professor Anselmo Alvarado Dorato, Bachelor of Education from the Central University of Venezuela, who together with his wife, Professor María Victoria Bajares, his brothers Professors Néstor and Gabriel Alvarado Dorato and a group of outstanding and enthusiastic collaborators, undertake from then the task of developing in the field of education, the techniques and the pedagogical thought of the teacher.
From1960, the Instituto Escuela expands its geographical field and by agreement signed with the company Shell de Venezuela, the branches are founded in the state of Zulia: Lagunillas1962, directed by Professor Darío Perrone; bachaquero1964, directed by Professor Carmen María González; and the sectional in the state of Falcón: Cardón1963, directed by Professor Renato González, all collaborators of the main headquarters in Caracas.
In1964The Instituto Escuela moves to its current headquarters, located in the Prados del Este urbanization, on Maracaibo street, which is inaugurated on Sports Day, later called the Athletic Games, held in the month of June, uninterruptedly up to the present.
From its classrooms, throughout its 82 years of life, promotions have graduated that are located in the most diverse fields of national and international life. It has always been the feeling of the institution to contribute in the areas of sports, scientific, cultural, political and business life, training leaders attached to the prevailing values ​​in the institution.





Bajo el copo de bruma avileña

que resiste la fuerza del sol,

Alza el techo del Instituto Escuela

que es mensaje de luz y amor.


Cuando el cielo se tiñe de aurora

se congrega la joven legión,

y al cenizo fulgor de la tarde

son ya surcos de buena lección.


Con las notas del himno querido

vibra en todo patriota emoción

Y los hijos de extraños países

sienten fuego de patria y amor.


Un sólo es el haz juvenil

una sola es la idea genial,

Parecernos al Ávila fuerte

de Bolívar el gran pedestal.

Year: 1949

Lyrics: Profesor Luis Rafael Matas Riquezes

Music: Eduardo Plaza (originally it had been entrusted to Juan Bautista Plaza, who was appointed ambassador of Venezuela in Washington)


The Instituto Escuela emblem represents a young athlete holding a flower garland in his hands, inspired by the Greek axiom: Non scholae sed vitae discimus: “We do not learn for school but for life.”



Under the veil of Avila’s mist,

Which holds under the strength of the sun,

Here it is Instituto Escuela,

As a message of light and love.

When the sky is turning to orange,

The young legion is getting together.

As soon as it’s getting gray,

They are leaving with life lessons learned,

They are leaving with life lessons learned.
