Instituto Escuela

From 1 year and six months old


The Instituto Escuela Educational Unit, considering that the Initial Education stage is the first extra-family institution that the child attends in his process of integration with the people around him, has as a priority to guide him in his early years, laying the necessary foundations in him. for the integral development and harmonious adjustment of your personality to a changing and progressive society.

Preschool education promotes the growth and development of children, the acquisition of habits and initial routines for school work, the initial knowledge of a second English language and at a physical level, introduce them to the practice of a sports routine. At the same time, attention is paid to the development of emotional, social and personal levels. .By spending time with other responsible adults and specialized teachers, in addition to parents, they learn to build trusting relationships with them. Preschool education is the first experience of children in a structured environment beyond the home.

Our vision

When children’s early experiences include proper academic guidance and adequate emotional support, they have positive effects on children’s stability and readiness to learn. A child who experiences the joy of learning, discovering, and successfully completing age-appropriate tasks with her will enjoy school, have better social skills, and exhibit better academic performance later in life. Quality preschool education, taught by highly qualified teachers, builds on cognitive, behavioral and social skills that are difficult to learn at home and are essential for the student’s future school life.



Knowledge of learning, creativity, abilities and skills appropriate to the age

Spatio-temporal location and exercise of the body’s own memory and its possibilities of action, acquisition of identity and autonomy

Harmonious and balanced growth of the child, facilitating motor skills, readiness, motivation for reading-writing and simple mathematical operations

Development of the capacity for expression, relationship and communication, attached to the rules of respect, solidarity and coexistence

Participation in recreational activities with other children and adults;

Stimulate curiosity, observation and exploration of the natural, family and social environment

Recognition of the spiritual dimension to base behavioral criteria.

Formation of eating habits, personal hygiene, cleanliness and order that generate awareness about the value and necessity of health.


Frequent questions

Do they give you lunch and snack?<br />

We have a school canteen service, where you can reserve food, specific lunches or directly purchase the food and drinks of your choice.

How many hours does the daily shift last?

Yeah. The institution has a professional nursing service and a permanent nurse during school hours.

Do you take a nap?

We handle an average of 25 students per classroom at all levels.

How long before should I reserve a place?

Our registration period is open throughout the school year, through the prior request that must be made in the admissions link.
